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angiokeratoma angiokeratoma是什么意思、angiokeratoma怎么读
上一个英文单词: angiography
下一个英文单词: angiology
“angiokeratoma”基本解释 补充纠错
“angiokeratoma”网络释义 补充纠错
a type of skin lesion characterized by small red or blue papules that develop on the lower extremities, particularly the thighs and buttocks;
“angiokeratoma”词性变化 补充纠错
“angiokeratoma”用法和例子 补充纠错
1. Angiokeratomas are benign skin lesions that may appear as dark, raised spots on the skin.

2. The patient had a cluster of angiokeratomas on his thigh, causing mild discomfort.