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mountie mountie是什么意思、mountie怎么读
上一个英文单词: mounted
下一个英文单词: mounting
“mountie”基本解释 补充纠错
“mountie”网络释义 补充纠错
加拿大皇家骑警;(加拿大)皇家骑警;林特尼牛;加拿大骑警(由英国人高地氏创立,因此称其为Mounted Police,即押骑警,其头盔上还有轮子标志 )。
“mountie”词性变化 补充纠错
“mountie”用法和例子 补充纠错
1. The mountie on the horse looked imposing in his red serge uniform.

2. Growing up in Canada, I always admired the mounties and dreamed of becoming one.

3. The mountie was known for his bravery and dedication to serving and protecting the community.