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opercula opercula是什么意思、opercula怎么读
上一个英文单词: operator
下一个英文单词: operculiform
“opercula”基本解释 补充纠错
“opercula”网络释义 补充纠错
(1)鱼鳃盖,指覆盖于鱼的鳃上的保护盖。(2)软体动物腹足类壳的一部分,也叫作盖。 (3)植物的封蓋式壳。(4) 骨鳃盖,一种鱼的固定鳃盖。(5)脑鳃盖,鱼的头上的一部分,覆盖在脑的后部。
“opercula”词性变化 补充纠错
“opercula”用法和例子 补充纠错
1、Their pests are slugs, plant flies and a variety of other pests that shelter under leaf-litter, stones, plates and under opercula of moss and liverwort.(他们的害虫有蛞蝓、食植物虫和其他各种躲藏在泥叶、石头底下、餐盘和苔藓盖下的害虫。)
2、This triggers a peristaltic wave of contractions which start at the mouth and pass through all the buccal segments, including the operculum, causing an ingested food bolus to be propelled caudad.(这引发了一个起始于口部并贯穿所有口部节段的蠕动波,包括鳃蓋,使进食物被推向脊腰部。)