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podsol podsol是什么意思、podsol怎么读
上一个英文单词: podotheca
下一个英文单词: podsolisation
“podsol”基本解释 补充纠错
“podsol”网络释义 补充纠错
a soil profile in which there is an accumulation of salts at or near the surface, forming a bleached hard layer and a reddish-brown leached layer below. It is characteristic of cold or wet climates, and is found in regions such as northern Europe and northern Canada.
“podsol”词性变化 补充纠错
“podsol”用法和例子 补充纠错
1. The arctic tundra is known for its extensive podsol soils.
北极 tundra 以其广泛的 podsol 土壤而闻名。

2. The formation of podsol is influenced by factors such as climate and vegetation.