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batcher batcher是什么意思、batcher怎么读
上一个英文单词: batch
下一个英文单词: batchy
“batcher”基本解释 补充纠错
“batcher”网络释义 补充纠错
1. 批次工作人员;2. 批次器;3. 浴缸;4. 制浆工
“batcher”词性变化 补充纠错
“batcher”用法和例子 补充纠错
1. The batcher is responsible for organizing and processing orders in a timely manner.

2. The batcher automatically sorts and categorizes incoming data.

3. I filled the bath with warm water and soaked in the batcher for a relaxing evening.

4. The pulp batcher is responsible for controlling the consistency of the pulp during the papermaking process.